Monday, March 22, 2010

Gotta Cancer

Well thing are on hold for the moment. Got a call from the doctor at ENT this afternoon. The results of my ultra sound biopsy in my left lymph node came back positive with cancer. He is to call me tomorrow with the appointments to find the location where the cancer has started. Then he will work out a treatment plan.

Our plans on leaving or on hold until we can get this part of my health worked out. I did have an eye appointment today so that they can start my Plaguenil meds. Not sure it they will start that now or wait until after the cancer is taken care of.

Oh well just another day in the life.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Not a good day today.

We have a p/u borrowed from a friend that is out sailing and it broke down. I thought it was the water pump. I changed out the water pump today to find that it is a freeze plug in the front of the block that is leaking. This will be a major job. Wasn't planning on repairing two pickups. Mine is down an electrical short that I can not find and needs to go to a shop.

One of our other friends that offered for us to store our bus, which we live in, changed their mind so now we have to find an RV storage place where we can store the bus while we travel. This picture was taken on our way down to Texas from Montana before I got sick.

Added some links of companies that we like. With some of them if you purchase anything from them we get a small fee. This will help offset some of our cost. I'll say a big thank you for any purchases that you make.

A little update on my health. I've had 15 appointments so far this year at the VA in San Antonio. All these trips to S.A. has taken its tole on our mental health along with breaking us. The VA will not help us in travel cost. I have to travel 200 mile one way just to get there. I would hate to try and remember how many trips up I did last year after this mess showed up. Beings a man one of the aliments that I also have (Kikuchi Fujimoto) is very rare. Two biopsies in my neck checking for cancer for one. Now I have a hard time turning my head to the left. Hope this will just be temporally.

I feel that I need to give everyone that comes here a break down on my conditions.

1. Lupus
2. Sjogren's Syndrome
3. Miss Connected Tissue Disease
and now
4. Kikuchi Fujimoto Syndrome

I feel that if I can help others with any of the conditions that I have understand they too can live a full life. I'll feel better and give me purpose again in life instead of living in a cave. I'll have to do the things that keep the flairs down. Oh I'll have flairs while out on this adventure but I'll do my best to keep it under control. I'll ware protective clothing, wide brim hat, gloves and sunscreen. The sun is my enemy.

Thanks for the visit.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Little up date on our plans.

Not sure if we'll ever get out of here. Back up to the VA in San Antonio today for a ultrasound biopsy in my neck. Then back up on the 23rd for the results.

I've got one more port to install then all four of them are finished with no leaks. Still have to fix the companionway boards.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


On February 20, 2009 I was told that I had Lupus. Back in February of 2008 I purchased a small sailboat to learn to sail and live out a life long dream. Well after the hidden Lupus showed up in June of 2008 and over a year of going to the VA for treatment. I came to the conclusion that in order to educate others that have Lupus and live in caves. I would take on an adventure to educate them that they can still have a good life doing what they want to do.

My plan is to take our sailboat, Miss Froggy a Starwind 22, from Port Lavaca, Texas to Fla. along the gulf coast stopping at different ports to let other Lupus sufferers see that you can still have a life after Lupus.

We plan on leaving here around the first of April with our first stop at Galveston. If you would like to help us make this trip a small donation would be greatly appreciated as we will be doing this with just my Social Security.

Thanks so much.
David and Lisa