Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Its been a year since I have posted here. As of the 17th I'm still cancer free. I still have to go to the VA every 60 days.

A few thing went on during last year. The VA built me a set of teeth. They are so big they would fit a horse. I am not able to use them. I still take most of my food (Ensure) though my PEG. I do eat some soft foods. Sure would like a steak. Nothing like a good steak.

Over the 4th of July a bunch of us at the marina sailed over to Port O'Connor to watch the fireworks. Then Lisa and I went on the a new marina to spend the rest of the weekend.

Very nice and relaxing.  Nothing going on until December when a friend needed help bringing his boat back to Texas. He had been on a 2 and half year cruise. The last 6 months of the cruise he was alone. I meet him at the Cypermort Yacht Club in Louisiana. A 300 mile trip. The ICW was very interesting. We had fog, rain and cold.

very educational trip.  When Lisa and I make the trip going east I'll post pictures along the way.

Our plan now is to leave right after my next appointment on March 20. When I have to come back for the next appointment I think I'll take our little truck back with us. That way I wont have to rent a car every trip and we can come check on the bus.